Calling all Heroes-in-Training to join our ranks! Join us as we learn what makes a hero. We will seek to do justice, love, mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord at CFBC's 2024 Vacation Bible School. Vacation Bible School is an annual CFBC outreach program spanning 30 years. In that time, we have seen God do incredible things through this ministry by using our church to help students uncover, and sometimes rediscover, the beauty of the gospel. This year, our hope is to continue that work with all who come through our doors.
JUly 22 - 26, 2024
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
505 N Grand Ave
Glendora, CA 91741
$15 per child
what is VBS?
VBS at CFBC is a week-long ministry event in which we endeavor to teach our students about who God is, what He has done through His son, Jesus Christ, and what that means for us.
The week will consist of many different activities, such as song & dance, crafts, and games. Most importantly, it will include Scripture-centered lessons geared to encourage scripture memorization, and inspire application of Biblical truths.
Our desire is for students to not only know the gospel, but to live in light of it.
VBS is a non-profit outreach program, and every dollar donated helps to provide for the needs of the students. Please know that your support is greatly appreciated, and helps to ensure that each child has the supplies they need in the classroom and is fed a balanced meal at lunch.
Donate below and indicate your contribution is for VBS, or purchase supplies on our VBS Wishlist.

Various games and activities geared towards your child's grade level.

We begin and end each day singing & dancing to fun tunes centered around God's goodness!

Fun crafts related to each lesson! Crafts are geared towards each age group.

PRE-REGISTER your child before VBS starts to get a t-shirt to keep (and to wear for our picture day!)

Scripture-centered lessons from God's word, every day of the week! Read on our beliefs here.

Each class is encouraged to memorize scripture through a daily memory verse!

A light lunch is provided every day! Let us know if your child has any dietary restrictions.

Join your kids on the last day for GRADUATION, where you can see photos/videos throughout the week and see what your kids learned!