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If you're looking for a church family, we’d like you to know that there’s a special place here for you.
What measurements are taken to ensure the safety of the children?All volunteers are members of our church and have been extensively reviewed by pastoral leadership. Each class also has a teacher who has worked with youth in a professional setting. In addition, all volunteers have gone through a mandatory ministry training provided by the VBS leaders. Each unit of our building will have at least one First Aid and CPR trained adult. Each teacher supervises the checking in and checking out of the children and only one entrance to our facility will be open during VBS hours and will be supervised.
What age students can attend VBS?VBS 2019 is open to those who are 12 months or older by June 24th. Adults are welcome to join our adult class!
How much does VBS cost?There is no cost to attend VBS. We are completely funded by fundraisers and donations! If you would like to support us with a monetary donation, please click here. Every dollar helps to provide for the needs of the students. Please know that your support is greatly appreciated, and helps to ensure that each child has the supplies they need in the classroom and is fed a balanced meal at lunch.
How do I make a donation to VBS?We will be accepting donations for VBS on the first day (June 24) at the CFBC building. We accept cash, checks, or card via Square Reader. If you would like to make a donation ahead of time, we accept donations here. Please specify that you’d like your donation to go to VBS.
When is registration?Pre-registration will begin on April 7 and ends on May 19. Registration will continue throughout VBS week but those who do not register by May 19 will not receive a shirt.
Will I receive a shirt if I don’t pre-register?As long as you register BEFORE May 19, your child should receive a t-shirt. If you register at any point after that (and if any extra shirts are available), they will be given on a first come first serve basis.
What if my child can’t come everyday?We highly encourage that your child attends the full week, as each day covers a new lesson from God's word! However, we understand that a week-long commitment is not always doable, so you are welcome to have your child come to as many days as you would like. If possible, please let your child's teachers know at the start of VBS week what days they will not be in attendance.
What if my child needs transportation?Some transportation will be provided by the VBS staff. Transportation is limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. To arrange transportation and for more information on transportation, please call or text (909) 896-6093. For the CFBC transportation procedure, see our Child Protection Policy.
What if I’m having difficulty registering online?If you are having trouble registering online, paper registration forms are available at the CFBC building. If you are unable to pick up and submit a form, please call (909) 896-6093 and we will assist you through the registration process.
What does my child need to bring to VBS?Bible Sunscreen Water bottle Close-toed shoes Optional: Extra snacks Diaper Bag
Will food be provided?A light lunch will be provided. Students staying before or after the scheduled VBS time are encouraged to bring their own breakfast and snacks. Breakfast is not included.
Can I stay with my child?Adults may stay on campus if they are registered in the adult class, and may pull their child out in case of an emergency or if absolutely needed. However, it is discouraged for parents to stay in the children’s classroom for an extended amount of time, as to not disrupt the flow of the lessons or activities.
Can I buy an extra VBS shirt?VBS shirts are only ordered based on the amount of registrants we have. As they are purchased in limited quanitites, it is unlikely that there will be any leftover shirts. However, any extras will be sold at the end of VBS week for $5 each.
What does a day at VBS look like?At 8:30am, all students will gather in the sanctuary for the morning assembly of singing and dancing. Throughout the day, each class will have a lesson time, play games, do crafts, and have lunch together. At the end of the day, all the students will gather in the sanctuary for a closing assembly from 12-12:30pm at which point they will disperse to their classrooms to picked up by their parents.
Can my child come before 8:30am and/or stay after 12:30pm?Staff members arrive by 7:30am and stay until 1:30pm. If you require care before or after these times, please contact Lidia at (909) 896-6093.
Want to know more about who is on VBS staff?Learn more about our staff here! All are always welcome to gather with us on Sundays where the VBS staff members regularly attend service and where you can familiarize yourself with our facility.
Does CFBC have any other programs for children?Yes! CFBC has multiple year-long programs for children. AWANA: Children's Program (Friday nights) Children's Sunday School Lighthouse (highschool bible study)
Are there other weekly or regular events that I can attend at CFBC?Worship Service is every Sunday at 10:30am. Prayer Meeting is every first Sunday of the month at 1pm. Throughout the week we have Small Groups (Walnut, West Covina, and Chino), please visit our website to connect with our Small Group leaders.

God created and owns everything, including you. God is perfectly holy and requires your perfect obedience to His law.
(Genesis 1:1; Psalm 24:1; Matthew 5:48; James 2:10)
Jesus Christ came to earth as both God and sinless man. Christ demonstrated His love by dying on the cross to pay sin’s penalty. He rose from the grave and is alive today.
(Colossians 2:9; Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Corinthians 15:4)
You have broken God’s law. You will pay the eternal penalty for your sin. You cannot save yourself by your good works.
(Romans 3:10, 23, 6:23; Titus 3:5)
You must repent of all that dishonors God. You must believe in Christ as Lord and Savior, and be willing to follow after Him.
(Isaiah 55:7; Luke 9:23; Romans 10:9)
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